Muhammad Ali Dodges 21 Punces In 10 Seconds

Muhammad Ali was an American professional boxer. Early in his career, Ali was known for being an inspiring, controversial and polarizing figure both inside an

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Technology used during the Titanic Expeditions

ghsgeksla kefõ iqkanqka fidhd .sh wreu mqÿu fidakd¾ ;dlaIkh

ñg jir ishhlg muK l,ska mdfjk whsia lkaol yems,d ghsgksla kej uqyqfoa .sÆKq ia:dkh iy ta kefõ iqkanqka .fõYhka msßila úiska iïmq¾Kfhkau is;shï .; lr we;'fï fufyhqug Ndú;d lr we;af;a we;s kùk ;dlaIKhla jk fidakd¾ Yío ;rx.hs'iajhkal%shj l%shd lrk fidakd¾ Yío ;rx. Ndú;d lrk l=uqÿjla fhdod .ksñka kefõ iqkanqka wê remk ;%sudk o¾Yk ,nd.ekSula isÿ flf¾'

fï we;s kùk ;dlaIkh fhdod.ksñka fuu fufyhqu lr we;af;a wd¾'tia'tï'ghsgeksla fufyhqï lKavdhuhs'
iajhkal%shj ihqre m;=f,a ießirk hdkdj,g w;a,dka;sla uqyqÿ m;=f,a ;eïm;a lr we;s m%;skdok iïfma%IK WmlrK u.ska u. fmkaùula isÿ lrhs'fïß wEka hkqfjka kï l, ta l=vd l=uqÿj tx.,ka; fõ,dfjka 0647; .eUqre uqyqÿ m;=,g msg;a lr yeßhy'th mehl=;a ñks;a;= 40l ld,hla ;siafia .uka lr m;=,g ,Ûdúh'bkamiq ;j;a leurdjla iys; frdfnda l=uqÿjla msg;a lr hejqy'

.fõIKh Èh;a flrefka ksõ*jqkaâ,kaâys Ydka; fcdakaia jrdfhks'fudku f,ilskaj;a .sf,kafka ke;ehs ls ghsgeksla kj whsia lkaol yemqfka 1912 jif¾ wfma%,a 14 fjksodh'th .s,s uqyqÿ m;=, isïn.;af;a 15 fjksodh'ghsgeksla kej .s,s .sh wjia:dfõ 1500 fofkla ñh.shy'f,dal b;sydifha isÿ jQ fÄokshu isÿùï j,ska tlla f,i ie,flk fuu ghsgeksla kej .s,s .sh ia:dkh ms<sn|j lekSï lghq;= jir .Kkdjla ;siafia flfrñka mej;shy'.fõIlhkayg iqkqnqka yuqjqfha lsf,da óg¾ 4la uqyqÿ m;=f,a ta 1985 jif¾§h'ghsgeksla kefõ iqkanqka j, we;s kùk o¾Yk Tn fj; f.k taug kùk ;dlaIK l%uhka fhdod .ksñka ukd lemùulska lghq;= l, wd¾'tia'tï'ghsgeksla fufyhqï lKavdhu fj; wmf.a yo msß f.!rjh mqo lruq'